Services remote data recovery RAID, lost, deleted files and photos.
The remote service data recovery of lost, deleted files and photos. lowest and
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Сервис дистанционного восстановления данных, потерянных, удаленных файлов и фотографий.
Общее описание программы восстановления
Выбор логического диска для восстановления
отформатированных данных.
Настройка фильтра поиска и отбора, нужных
пользователю файлов и информации.
Просмотр реконструированного дерева каталогов
и пробное восстановление информации.
Передача в Fomsoft запроса на изготовление
программы восстановления найденных данных.
Программа полного извлечения файлов,
изготовленная, по запросу пользователя.
UnFormat NTFS

Restore formatted data

This program is outdated, use the
"Restore" function of the program
Fomsoft Data Recovery

Download the executable file.
Download the archive in the format RAR.
Download the archive in the format ZIP.
General description of the recovery program
Selecting a logical disk for restore
formatted data.
Filter setup search and selection needed
user files and information.
View of a reconstructed tree
trial and recovery information.
Transfer in Fomsoft request manufacturer
program restore data found.
Program the files are extracted,
manufactured, on request of the user.

View the reconstructed tree and a trial restoration information.

At the time of sampling of the reconstructed tree catalog information, the screen displays a dialog box informing the user about the current process of information retrieval, is presented in Fig. 10.

Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.
Fig. 10. Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.

After a sample of the display information the screen displays the reconstructed tree as it makes Windows Explorer, Fig. 11.

Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.
Fig. 11. Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.

The user can browse the tree and check whether it contains the desired files and folders. To verify the correctness of data recovery, the user can mark the desired files. To mark files and folders with the subfolders, click on the empty box to the left of the corresponding name of a file or folder, or by clicking on the dialog button [Select all]. To ground the selection, click with the mouse on the small box with a check mark, or use the button [Suppress].

To control the degree of the restore files dialog, you can press the button [Trial recovery] In this case the program will warn the user that this operation is designed to control the correctness of the recovery data, and will be restored only unfragmented files with length from 1 to 64 Kbytes.

Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.
Fig. 12. Waiting for the process of retrieving information from a directory tree.

When a positive response, the program will ask to specify the place where should be placed the extracted files and execute trial recovery files.

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Laboratory Fomsoft - Service remote data recovery and photos with his own hands. Date of last adjustment - 29.10.2020.