Services remote data recovery RAID, lost, deleted files and photos.
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Сервис дистанционного восстановления данных, потерянных, удаленных файлов и фотографий.
Общее описание программы Fomsoft Photo Recovery V-5.01. Общее описание программы.
Главное окно и меню программы. Главное окно и меню программы.
Выбор диска, для поиска фотографий. Выбор диска, для поиска фотографий.
Указание папки для записи Запроса. Указание папки для записи Запроса.
Уточнение параметров поиска. Уточнение параметров поиска.
Отображение процесса поиска. Отображение процесса поиска.
Просмотр найденных фотографий. Просмотр найденных фотографий.
Запрос на восстановление. Запрос на восстановление.
Способы и варианты оплаты. Способы и варианты оплаты.
Программа извлечения фотографий по данным файла-запроса. Программа извлечения фотографий
по данным файла-запроса.
Часто задаваемые вопросы. Часто задаваемые вопросы.
Информация об устаревших версиях</a><br><strong>и аналогах этой программы. Информация об устаревших версиях
и аналогах этой программы.
Photo Recovery

This program is outdated and its functions have been improved
and transferred to the program Fomsoft Data Recovery.

Free download

To download an executable EXE file.
EXE file 531 КB.

Download RAR archive.
RAR file
160 KB.
Download ZIP archive.
ZIP file
199 KB.

Software recover digital photos from your local disk devices.

General description of the program Fomsoft Photo Recovery 402. General description of the program.
Main window and menus. Main window and menus.
Specify the drive to search for photos. Specify the drive to search for photos.
Specify the folder for the write Request. Specify the folder for write Request.
Refinement of the search. Refinement of the search.
The display of the search process. The display of the search process.
View found photographs. View found photographs.
Request for restoration of photos. Request for restoration of photos.
Methods and ways of payment. Methods and ways of payment.
Program description Fomsoft Rest Photo Recovery 402. Program photo extraction according
to the file request.
Frequently asked questions. Frequently asked questions.
Information about older versions and equivalents of this program. Information about older versions
and equivalents of this program.

to specify the folder to save the file request FomsoftPhotoRecovery.bin.

To specify the folder where the program will write the file-restore request photos FomsoftPhotoRecovery.bin it is necessary to click the dialog button with a folder icon on the panel to select the source disk. The fragment of this panel shown below in Fig. 10.

specify the folder to save the file request
Fig. 10. Dialog button, select the folder to save the file request FomsoftPhotoRecovery.bin.

At that, the screen will display the standard window, select the disk and folder, including network places, if it is.

Select folder to save the file request
Fig. 11. Select folder to save the file request.

As a recording folder request file, you can select a folder on any drive, with the exception, on which to run find photos. Very convenient to use for this stick, as in this case, the request file, you can save it and send it to the Lab Fomsoft from any computer.
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Laboratory Fomsoft - Service remote data recovery and photos with his own hands. Date of the last adjustment - 26.02.2020.