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Сервис дистанционного восстановления данных, потерянных, удаленных файлов и фотографий.
Описание технологии восстановления данных
с внешних USB дисков своими руками.
Просмотр восстановленного дерева каталогов
и контрольное восстановление файлов.
Передача в Fomsoft заказа на изготовление
программы полного восстановления данных.
Восстановление и запись на исправный носитель
всех найденных ранее файлов.
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Recovery Disk USB

Data recovery with external USB drives
with their hands.

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EXE - 751 KB.
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RAR - 128 KB.
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ZIP - 160 KB.
Description of technology of data recovery
from external USB disks with your hands.
View of the restored directory tree and test
file recovery.
Transfer in order Fomsoft manufacturing
program full data recovery.
The restoration and record on the proper
bearer of all the previously found files.
Answers to users questions.

Technologies recover data from external USB disks with your hands.

To ensure high speed of operation of the file system, Windows uses algorithms which allow to minimize the time access to the file system when searching for files. This is done through the use of many extra index files, which organized the so called binary search. This mechanism significantly decreases the number of accesses to the disk device for finding a file the appropriate directories.

However, in case of failures in these index files, or violation of logical integrity of a structure accessory binary trees, file the system will cease to function. In this case, Windows either refuses to work with a particular logical disk is no longer to see any loops, hangs in endless attempts to get out of their situation.

Laboratory Fomsoft has developed its own software mechanism to access the data of the NTFS file system, which does not use index files. From the standpoint of data access, this mechanism is not as perfect as the NTFS file system. However, in the case of the reconstruction problem solution data, it allows to solve the main problem – to access the lost files and directories. A considerable time, selective access to individual files is not the critical issue! The presence of a failure sector of space in the index file, in our case, of course, does not affect the degree of recovery a failure of the individual sectors of user data lead to small local loss, but not prevent full restoration the rest of the data.
In the processing of local failure reading sector space used by the adaptive processing mechanism for temporary loss of drive readiness. Operating system in this case captures fatal loss of readiness of hard disk and refuses to continue with him the work.

Thus, in many cases, this mechanism helps prevent the fatal loss of information. Such cases include:
  • Partial loss of a disk device of its performance.
  • Sudden power outages at the time, informed the drive is storing data
  • Removing the USB cable at the moment when some of the data not yet written to disk are in the computer's memory.
  • Accidental software or hardware failures in Windows.
Using the native access mechanism in the Laboratory Fomsoft developed technology for remote data recovery, allowing it and its partners to provide services of data recovery with the use of the Internet. According to this technology, users and their hands can recover their own data without transferring your problematic media in special labs data recovery. This technology, compared to traditional lab data recovery technology has a number of advantages, the main of which are:

NТhe advantage of theBrief description of the benefits
1Inaccessible to traditional
technology efficiency.
No need for the problematic media to the data recovery lab and back into place exploitation.
2We offer the lowest price services. Most of the work on restoration of user data independently, which significantly reduces the complexity for
the Laboratory Fomsoft. The presence of several tariff plans that allows employees Laboratory Fomsoft
to perform the work in the time convenient for them.
3Almost one hundred percent privacy. External hard drive is constantly under the supervision of the user, Internet user data are not transmitted
reported only data about their location on disk.
4To pay or not, he decides user. Before you pay for services, the user may be able to verify the accuracy of the recovery of some part of the
data and only then make the payment.

Technology data recovery for external hard drives consists of two steps:

StageStage descriptionStage programme
1 - freeDemonstration of results is possible data recovery. Fomsoft Recovery Disk USB
2 - commercialThe restoration and record on the proper storage medium found
the first phase.
Fomsoft Restore Disk USB

The program Fomsoft Recovery Disk USB does not require the user any special knowledge, fairly to connect an external hard drive to the computer, launch the program and select START from the main menu, Fig. 1.

The main window of data recovery from external hard disk Recovery Fomsoft Disk USB.
Fig. 1. The main window of data recovery from external hard disk Recovery Fomsoft Disk USB.

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Laboratory Fomsoft - Service remote data recovery and photos with his own hands. Date of last adjustment - 17.09.2018.