Display the search process digital photos.
During the search process, a dialog box appears, as shown on figure. 13.
Fig. 13. Display the search process digital photos.
In this window, the program displays:
- Which drive is scanned.
- How much time is left until the end of the scanning process.
- the Number of found images that satisfy the search criteria.
- search Criteria:
- the Minimum size of the image file.
- the Maximum file size.
- Initial LBA (address sector) on the disk.
- Final LBA (address sector) on the disk.
The search process continues until it reaches the address of the target site, or dialog before clicking the Stop button.
If the user will click this button, the program will ask him whether to continue working with the
what was found, or immediately exits the program, rice. 14.
Fig. 14. the Request to continue working with what was found.
If the search reached the end of a specified area or the user has given a command for the program to work with what was found,
the program will advance to the stage of submission of a request for restoration of the data found in the laboratory Fomsoft.