Services remote data recovery RAID, lost, deleted files and photos.
The remote service data recovery of lost, deleted files and photos. lowest and
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Сервис дистанционного восстановления данных, потерянных, удаленных файлов и фотографий.
Общее описание программы.
Физические и логические диски.
Поиск расположения данных
на дисковых устройствах.
Просмотр файловых структур.
- Физические сектора.
- Логические сектора.
- Логические кластеры.
- Записи таблицы MFT.
Редактирование секторного
пространства дисковых устройств.
Запись секторов с диска в файл
и из файла на диск.
Получить лицензионный экземпляр.
Информация об устаревших версиях
и аналогах этой программы.
Disk Editor

Search for data location and view file structures.

This program is deprecated, use the
program disk viewing functions
Fomsoft Data Recovery.

Free download

To download an executable file.
EXE - 501 КБ.
Download archive format RAR.
RAR - 115 КБ.
Download archive format ZIP.
ZIP - 132 КБ.
General description of the program.
Disk management and the computer.
Search data
the disk devices.
Viewing file structures.
- Physical sectors.
- Logical sectors.
- Logical clusters.
- Records in MFT.
Editing sectoral
space of the disk devices.
Write sectors from the disc to a file
from a file on disk.
To obtain the license.
Information about older versions
and equivalents of this program

view the contents of the table entries MTF - FILE Record number.

To view the contents of the records MTF FILE Record number, you can use the hot key combination Alt + N or call subparagraph " no MFT record menuView". In this screen you will see a dialog pane, select the logical drive and numbers of displayed records MTF FILE Record, Fig. 32:

View the content recording MTF FILE Record No. 54.
Fig. 32. the Browse records MTF FILE Record number 54.

This example demonstrates how you can view the contents of a record MTF FILE Record with sequence number 54, which contains information about the file, located on the logical driveF:.

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Laboratory Fomsoft - Service remote data recovery and photos with his own hands. The date of the last adjustment - 25.02.2020.