View sectors on logical drives.
To view the contents of a physical sector on disk, you must use a hot key combination Alt + S or call subparagraph
"Logical sector menuView". In this screen you will see a dialog pane, select the disk and LBA addresses
display logical sector, Fig. 26:
Fig. 26. the Choose disk drive and addresses of viewing logical sector.
After you enter the logical drive letter the program determines the file system type and prompts
with the numbers of sectors characteristic of this operating system, Fig. 27 or 28.
Fig. 27. the Choice logical sector for the file system NTFS.
Fig. 28. the Choice logical sector for the file system FAT.
In Fig. 27. shows an example of a request to display the first sector of the MFT on the logical drive F:
c address LBA 6291456.
This corresponds to the physical sector c LBA address 272536765 on the hard disk HD0.
Fig. 28. shows a view request root sector table of contents ROOT, with address LBA 64384 on the hard disk HD0.