Main menu of the program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer V-5.02.
After starting the program displays a window presented on the Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. The program's main window.
Function menu consists of five items:
Item / sub-item menu. | Description.
1. Selection and analysis of a disk | Main executable item.
| 2. About | jump to the page describing the program.
| 3. Send E-Mail | send the message by email to the Laboratory data recovery Fomsoft.
| 4. Remote RAID recovery and data | Go to page remote data recovery and RAID arrays.
| 5. Language | select the interface language.
Bottom line consists of two fields. The left field displays the analyzed source disk, if it is selected.
The right field contains the path to the directory where will be stored analytical files. After starting the program
this directory is the folder where the program starts.