end user License agreement (EULA) for the use and dissemination of Fomsoft Disk Analyzer V-5.02.
The program Fomsoft Recovery NTFS is distributed as “try before you buy” (Freeware). This means that:
- 1. All copyrights to the program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer are exclusively owned by the author — Yury Fomin.
- 2. Program can be used without purchasing a License for an unlimited time.
- 3. Program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer may be freely distributed only in the form in which it is delivered, i.e. without
whatsoever changes.
a. You may not distribute the program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer in the other software package without written permission of the copyright owner.
c. You may not distribute the program on one drive and/or in one software package together with pirated tools for “hacking”
key files and key generators.
- 4. Program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer is distributed “as is”. It does not provide any warranty,
Express or implied. You use it at your own risk. Neither the author nor his authorized agents are not responsible for the loss
data, damage, loss of profits or any other kind of loss associated with the use (correct or incorrect) of this program.
- 5. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, rent, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, transfer the licensed program or part except as described in this license. Any such
unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the rights to it use and may result in criminal
and/or civil prosecution.
- 6. Installing and using the program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer indicates your agreement to the terms of this license.
- 7. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove a file the program Fomsoft Disk Analyzer from all media
and to cease to use this software product.